Our surf camp program is active, educational, and fun... with tons of surfing. We believe in keeping both our minds and bodies active by learning as we surf. Your grom will beg to come back every day, and we could not be happier about that.
Ages: 8 - 16 years old
4:1 student instructor ratio
Guaranteed equipment
Oceanography curriculum
Sunscreen and water breaks

Let your friends know what week you are doing!
- Fast and easy drop-off ( Stay if you'd like)
- Dedicated group coach
- Age and skill appropriate groups
- Multiple sunscreen and water breaks
- Educational experiences
- CPR and Firstaid certified coaches
- Friday family day with a for fun contest
- Award ceremony and swag
9-9:30am (Check-in)
Please be on time so we can get our day started. Feel free to hang out or take off, we got it from here.
11-11:15a (Sunscreen)
sunscreen and water breaks are scheduled throughout the day. We remind every grom to re-apply.
9:30-10a (Orientation)
Once everyone arrives, we warm up with a welcome game, daily surf check, and go over the surfing basics.
11:15-12:30 (Surf Session)
Our second surfing sessions gives the groms more freedom to work on their skills under coaches supervision.
10-11a (Surf Session)
Groms break up into age appropriate groups to surf with a CPR certified coach always near.
12:30-1:30 (Lunch/Pick-up)
After a long day of surfing, we are tired, hungry, and ready to sleep... you're welcome parents.
Towel + Dry clothes
After a long day of surfing we want your to go home in dry clothes.
Water + Sack Lunch
Make sure to bring plenty of water and a sack lunch to replenish your energy.
Please put on sunscreen before you arrive. We will re-apply during our breaks.